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How to Trick-or-Treat without your Toddler Losing Sleep
Want to know a secret? I actually hate Halloween. Masks terrify me, I don't like being scared, and I definitely don't want to dress up...
Are you in a hard parenting season?
Some days are easy - I have a perfect toddler who does and says all the sweetest things, and tells me 17 times a day, "I love you, mama."...
Mom Brain and How I can Help
Within about 30 seconds of becoming a new mom I realized how immensely valid the term "mom brain" is, and how quickly all other...
I'd reached my breaking point
We played this game until 3am when I finally walked into his room, scooped him up and said, "I can't do this anymore." Sometimes it's...
Teething and sleep
Ask any parent, and teething seems to be the most common plague impacting a solid night's sleep. But I have news for you...teething...
How to Handle a Crib Climber
Sound familiar? You tuck your toddler into his crib, say "I love you," walk out and shut the door, and let out a giant, exhausted sigh...
Signs of an overtired infant or toddler
Unlike adults who become lethargic when tired, an overtired infant becomes hyperactive. An overtired infant or toddler will have a harder...
What you Need to Know About Infant Sleep Cycles
Understanding your child's sleep cycles can help you understand why your child may be waking every 40 minutes, unable to take a longer...
6 and 9 Month Sleep Regressions
A sleep regression is a period of time when a baby or toddler goes through a developmental leap. Your little one who has been sleeping...
Bedtime Routines: 13+ Months
Once your infant becomes a toddler, bedtime routines need to change slightly to allow time to get all that toddler energy out. And as...
Bedtime Routines: 0-12 Months
You can begin a bedtime routine as early as day 1 with your newborn. A bedtime routine is simply a cue to baby that the next thing that's...
Travel Blackout Tips - SlumberPod Review
You all know how much I push having a dark sleep environment for baby. And when I say dark, I don't mean light streaming through the...
If I Sleep Train, Can I Still Snuggle?
Sleep training is not a no snuggles ever situation. I mean, wouldn't that be horrible if it were? If anything, you get more and better...
Two to One Nap Transition
Transitioning from 2 to 1 nap transition is probably the most challenging nap transition your little one will go through. The 2 to 1 nap...
Are sleep positioners and Moses baskets safe for sleep?
If you're expecting or already have a baby, guaranteed you've had at least one person swear by having baby sleep in a Dock-a-Tot or...
What are Dream Feeds?
A dream feed is a nighttime feeding that occurs around 10-11 PM when baby is still sleeping. Baby is kept asleep for the whole process,...
Where should my breastfeeding baby sleep?
"I'm nursing so we have to co-sleep" is a sentence I hear with quite a lot of frequency. While it does make nursing easier to have baby...
How to Set Baby's Room Up for Better Sleep
The way baby's room is set up can be directly connected to baby's quality of sleep. If the room is too bright, too warm, or even too...
Sleep and sickness
I love talking about sleep when sick because it’s one that many of us really feel. You have a perfectly sleeping baby, you’ve spent so...
Daylight Savings Hack: How to Adjust Baby's Sleep Schedule
Fall brings all things magical like pumpkin spice lattes, boots, slippers, tea, and that wonderful Sunday morning where you get one extra...
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